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Forum Posts

Apr 06, 2020
In Leather Tools
I have a couple of friends who have asked me for bags and are waiting (very patiently, bless them) for me to get back to them with a price. My stumbling block, if you will, is what tools do I actually NEED to make them? I have a good pair of scissors, a craft knife, a 60mm rotary cutter, and a burnisher (well, I have a few other things I think, but those are the main tools that are worth using). My goal is to make leatherworking a full time gig in the near future, so I want to do these bags right. I also want to do them hand stitched, so I suppose a mallet and pricking irons of some sort are in order.....If y'all had to choose just a couple of tools to have the bare minimum and still make a bag "right" (I have a couple bags that I've made years ago that were NOT done "right" even if they do look kinda cool......from a distance haha), what would you be buying?
Apr 04, 2020
In Say Hello Before Posting
Hello awesome community! I love that this forum is here. I live on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina in the Appalachian Mountains. I've been self-taught (plus SEVERAL YouTube videos) for the last 6 years or so. Most of what I've made has been notebooks/sketchbooks, plus a few messenger-style bags for me and friends of mine. I spent 6 months or so trying to help a startup that didn't end up taking off, but it was a great chance to get some better experience! I'm currently working for my dad's home maintenance/repair company, and working hard towards my goal of owning a leatherworking company as my full-time occupation. Really looking forward to purchasing these courses soon! ~Jen


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