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Hot foil stamping machines
In Leather Tools
Oct 18, 2019
Hey everyone, I also have a similar hot foil press, it has a few extra bits on it but same basic thing. I havent encountered yet the design flaw that Phil mentioned. As he has mentioned the issue I made sure to treat it gently. I also have the plate lowered quite close to the surface so the distance of travel is short. It doesnt make it easy to align and place your item but it does work in a satisfactory manner if you use the acrylic sheet method Phil showed in one of his videos. I got my machine with type for around 450-500 if I recall correctly. Not the best, but it does the job. If you do want to go ahead with one of these units I would recommend an upgraded version: or,searchweb201602_5,searchweb201603_52 The first is 650 and the second is around 600, and from my research the next step up is a Dream Factory or Iron Bridge machine from Korea which 1200+ with shipping. Also as Phil mentioned maybe a used Kingsley or something. If anyone has any better options I would be happy to hear becuase I would like to upgrade my machine in the future. Also as Glen mentioned, Phil might be breaking his machines because hes getting serious gainzz :-)
Looking for a supplier...
In Leathergoods Business
Considering Slot Punches ... BUT WHICH ONES?
In Leather Tools
Jul 26, 2019
Awesome man! Glad to help
Workshop Setup and Organization
In Help From The Community
May 27, 2019
Thanks Phil!
Workshop Setup and Organization
In Help From The Community
My new brand stamps and (extra)another discover
In Leathergoods Business
Helsinki Craft Market
In Leathergoods Business
Mar 06, 2019
Hey Fadi! Thanks for your detailed feedback. You brought up some excellent points. 1. Duly noted. I was too excited to actually get out there and actually participate. In hind sight I realize that I actually wrote off the whole market as an experiment in my mind. Something to change for the future. 2. Message received about presentation. I need to get 2 matching tablecloths and make sure they look normal. Also noted about making a nice card holder or maybe buying a simple metal one. Regarding the tools, this is actually something I was torn. During the market I had some tools out on the table or displayed. The positive of that was exactly what you mentioned and people engaged in conversation partially for that reason. The thing that I was worried about and felt nervous about during the market was that if I was focused on my work I wouldnt notice if someone took one of the tools, or maybe damage them. A possible solution would be to display them out of reach of customers... The lack of logo/company name etc. was intentional. Currently, I am employed full time and my employer contractually doesn't allow for employees to work in tandem for themselves or other companies. Ill be finishing my contract in the summer and will launch the brand/company then. 3. Products - I completely understand and agree. I need to expand the products and offer simple options. I think some simple valet trays could be nice and some luggage tags along with more keychains. I want to stay away from too basic stuff though as I dont feel it works with the aesthetic im trying to aim for. 4. As a result of this market I received an invitation for a DIY craft fair in May. From what I understand, I think the larger focus will be workshops. As such I will be raising the prices for sure! Thanks so much for the feedback and the critique. It is helpful, and gave me directions on which to improve.
Helsinki Craft Market
In Leathergoods Business
Mar 04, 2019
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Helsinki Craft Market
In Leathergoods Business
Mar 04, 2019
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Reversible belt
In Share Your Projects


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