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Ramon Snellink
Dec 25, 2019
In Leather Tools
I'm looking to buy a French Edger, mainly for a decorative step-down edge effect (like Philip does in the clochette video) and maybe thinning down fold-over areas. (and maybe some other things). I've found a few different tools online, do any of you have experience with these? Or can recommend another one? And about size: I think a 4mm wide skive would suit a step down effect at the edges, but maybe it's too narrow for other purposes. Would you say: just get a wider one (like 6mm or 8mm) and mark 4mm from the edge and skive till there? Or would you say: just get a 4mm and maybe later a wider one for other purposes?
Maybe the questions are too vague, but i'd love to hear your thoughts. :)
Ramon Snellink
Nov 04, 2019
In General Chat
I've never worked with Shell Cordovan before, but it's quite the hype online. Who here has ever worked with it before, and if so: is it worth the very high price?
Ramon Snellink
Oct 24, 2019
In Leather Tools
I've been looking into getting a fileteuse (probably not a Regad, but a cheaper one from Crimson Hides, RM or KevinLee). Do you guys have any experience with them (mostly for edge creasing), and if so: is it worth the investment?
Ramon Snellink
Sep 12, 2019
In Help From The Community
Hey peeps, I would like to get your thoughts on an issue I have, namely: having too thick leather. I'm mostly making watch straps for the time being, and usually use a maximum thickness of about 2-2.5mm in total without padding. A lot of leather is too thick, and I've tried using a cheap-ass manual splitter, but it just stretches the leather and damages it all over the front surface.
For example: I really like Zermatt by Haas as a liner, but that's about 1.6mm thick I believe (without splitting). Which only leaves about 0.9 for the top part. And I'm not even talking about the keepers, which must be even thinner. Let me also say: this is a hobby and even though I don't mind spending money on it, there is a limit, haha! What would you suggest to me? - Getting a bell skiver (probably most versatile, but also costly and takes a lot of space. And how well does this work if I'm going to make a bit larger items?) - Just buying the leather pre-split (disadvantage is that I know that RM does it, but I'm from Europe and I'd rather buy directly from for example Tanneries Haas, than buy all the way from the US) - Just buy leathers that have the exact max. thickness I want. Disadvantage is that it limits my options quite a lot. Zermatt won't really be an option for example. - Any other ideas? Thanks a million!
Ramon Snellink
Aug 20, 2019
In Help From The Community
Hey all, I've been slowly increasing my watch strap making skills with cheaper leathers. Now I think I'm almost ready to try some more expensive leathers. I'm looking to get try some alligator or crocodile, but not totally sure what to get. I read online that caiman isn't the best because the skin between scales cracks easily and it isn't too flexible, so I don't think that's a good option. Alligator seems more flexible, so my first guess would be to go for that, but maybe someone has a better advice. I saw that @Leathercraft Masterclass had a bunch of tail sections (of crocodile?), but I'm not sure where to get those. :) I'm from Europe, so I'd prefer a EU supplier. And preferable not the most expensive skins yet, I want to get some more experience first. Any help would be appreciated!
Ramon Snellink
Aug 14, 2019
In Say Hello Before Posting
Hey all, I've been lurking around here for a while now and actually just bought a 6 month subscription. Good time to introduce myself here. ;) I'm Ramon, 33 year old, dad of 2 girls. My main profession is as a wedding photographer together with my wife ( I started leathercraft as a hobby a few months back, mainly to make watch straps for myself, but I'm slowly also making items for other people as well. My instagram is: I'm looking forward to learning a lot from the courses, but also from you guys. :) Cheers, Ramon
Ramon Snellink
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