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Forum Posts

Jan 11, 2019
In Leather Tools
Hey there, just wanted to share a quick tool i'm using to dye edges with almost perfect accuracy. It might seems a little over engineered but as it is reusable and of great durability I think it worth it. I tested for a few week the empty markers made from molotow, a german company specialized in graffiti tools. Here is a link to there pages : Obviously other brands might be available but I tested this particular one. The pens are very well made, the tip is very strong and durable, replaceable. You can load them with spirit based dye and go other you edges with crazy accuracy (both in term of where you dye but also how much you dye as you can control the flow thanks to a kind of built in pump). The 4-8mm tips seems to be the best compromise (at least for my use).
Jan 05, 2019
In Leathercraft Techniques
Hey there ! i’m starting to experiment with thin and soft leathers like goatskin (got a few hides from Alran sully splitted down to 0,5mm). i like how thin the items can be made but i’m having a hard time with getting a clean and consistent stitch on the back, especially on extremely thin areas (like only two layers so 1mm of soft leather). My guesses : - thread tension consistency sucks - such a thin leather can‘t really be as clean as thicker / harder ones - my tools are not the right ones (but I get great results with them - I tried with 10spI irons) - my technique sucks - I should try to stitch differently with that leather - I‘m just too noob to play with that wonderful stuff, go back to you heavyweight vegtan 😅 I precise i’m not casting the stitch on such thin areas. Options that might help : - combine with harder hand leathers (and loose the point of using that thin and soft leathers...) - use folded edges everywhere I can to increase thickness is the areas causing trouble (good plan ?) - change tools - stop complaining on a forum and go back practice your stitch Any experience with that kind of issues ? The result is not terrific but definitely could be much better.
Dec 26, 2018
In Share Your Projects
Been working a lot on bifolds during that first 9 months into that craft. Love that kind of items, I guess it‘s essential to speed up the progress. So here was the very first pieces of leather I put together (and photograph, how weird is that !!) in March 2018 and the last one I finished right before Christmas and went in my father’s pocket :
First and last in 2018 content media
Dec 25, 2018
In Say Hello Before Posting
Hi there, Hubert, 34 years old, from very close to Paris. hla00042 on IG if that matters :-) I’ve always loved leathergoods firstly for the material, the feel, the smell of good leather. I found out one day that getting myself a few hides of my favorite leathers would be a great way to satisfy my needs for leathergoods and at the same time play with cool tools / sharp stuff which is one of my other passions. And then I was into leathercraft ! I started with some awful 2nd choice / way to heavy vegan and moved quickly to proper leathers, still struggling to find the right leather at the right weight locally (how stupid is that leaving in France ?). I started in April 2018 and since then, this has occupied most of my free time (which is not much having 2 young children here). I work 1 to 3 hours late at night. I have the chance to be able to cut sleeping and rely on caffeine for quite a large extent. Currently my bench is a part of dinning table. I keep everything to the minimal waiting for a proper workshop (coming in 2019 !). More than playing with leather, I think I found a great way to relax and use my two hands for something else that typing on a keyboard doing a questionably useful office job :-) I guess I’m now really “into“ that craft. I love the fact that even keeping it simple that craft can be deeply explored. My main limitation right now is not being able to punch that pricking iron as long as baby is not asleep :-D I don‘t intend to sell my product other than for covering my raw material cost as I produce one item at a time (which would make the price crazy high and totally irrelevant with regards to both my experience and marketing efforts lol). Instead I gift my products to loved ones and to be really honest, I ”test” most of them as i’m constantly experimenting with new leathers, techniques, finished... Philip was (and always is) a great help in finding the right answer to the crucial questions :-) His approach to sharing great information at a very affordable rate to push that craft forward is remarquable. Keep it up my friend !! I will be very happy to contribute here and help if I can. Merry Christmas all !


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