I was cleaning out my sock drawer (I know - exciting life!) and realized I was keeping some of my watches in a zip lock baggie and a cloth bag from who knows where. I thought, if I only knew someone that could make me a watch case! Since I’m waiting on leather and hardware for a couple other projects, I thought I’d make a watch case.
Wickett & Craig English Bridle exterior, goat lining, #10 zipper, black velvet pillows and Vinymo #5 thread. This was a make-it-up-as-you-go project. I usually do drawings and some prototype parts to see how it will work. This was start with an idea and measurements and see where it goes. I’m happy with results. There are some things I would different next time, but that’s part of the process. And my watches look much happier!

Hey nice work. Liking the use of English bridle!