Thought I’d give the turned edge watch strap a shot this weekend gone… fairly happy with the results!
first time using ostrich
first time doing a padded strap
first time trying to curve during the construction (not completely successful, still some rucking)
first time not punching all the way through and using an awl to finish the stitch holes (need more practice on this one…)
first time doing a turned edge on a full 180 degree curve
This wasn’t the watch I intended to put this on, but I had forgotten that the intended watch only had 20mm spacing not 22 :-D
lining is a veg tanned semi-aniline kangaroo, filler is 2.5mm veg tan

Wow Tom, you've done incredibly well there, the straps look great! I love it.
Do you also make knives by any chance? Nice setup.
This looks like a super challenging project and, for a first attempt, your execution looks pretty good!!!! I like that you showed various steps in pictures. The last picture with the watch looks very nice! well done!
Pic of the watch out in the wild lane ways of Melbourne
Also forgot to add that I cheated with the spacers, I tried skiving the spacers a couple of times, but kept nipping off the end of the long/strap end piece… then remembered that behind where I was sitting was the perfect tool for thinning out leather :-D
It also works well for stripping off finish and making a nubuck type finish (and taking off knuckles if you aren’t careful!)