I got a bit of veg tanned leather and did my test sample / practice again. This is the results.
On the whole I'm pretty happy with my work. Afew things I learnt... don't start ya stitch run on a corner... im not sure how to hide these stitch marks yet, but I guess it's practice. Something looks a bit odd on one of the edges,I'm not sure about that.
Feedback welcome and wanted. (Cheers!)

There we go, much better!
Just be wary of putting the seam too close to the edge to avoid the burnish coming into contact with the seam. When you burnish, the edge gets compressed, so you may have had the seam 3mm from the edge originally, but after beveling the edges and using your wood slicker, you're now at 2 or 2.5mm from the edge, if you get what I mean.
Hello again,
your stitching has improved a lot since the last post!
A thing you should keep practicing: pull consistency. You are pulling in places more than others and it shows (for us, for a client, no worries at all, he will notice a single thing)
What stitch marks are you trying to hide? Do you mean the stitch guide line you made before pricking the leather?
And why are you saying that you should never start a stitch run in the corner? what trouble or issue did it create for you?