After my first attempt to make the cover based on Philip’s video and having some remnant leather on hand, I had to make a second version. In my second version the rounded corners improved, prep skiving was way better, stitching on the front side was good (inside has yet to be better). I am still not 100% happy with how the flaps aligned but it’s acceptable for a novice. Philip’s instructions were great and I will attempt the slim wallet next with a few modifications to fit my checking book.

Nice - you deserve the accolades for the work. But I must warn you that you may be on a perilous road.
I’m a frustrated perfectionist. It drives my wonderful wife crazy at times because I see faults in things that I have made where few others can. I just warn you that the side effects of the pursuit of excellence include madness. It would be much better to be sufficiently balanced to accept imperfections in my work that, in nature, I believe are wondrous to see.