iPad case, caiman and oil tan cow . 3.85 ks blade. 0.6 Ritza 25 Polyester "Tiger" Thread, Loxx Pull It Up Fastener
edward.ironsideNov 27Penetrating the whole way through the leather is wrong when using pricking iron for hand stitching… Is that correct? LikeReactions11 comment1Views
geraldineOct 12Hello everyone, I have just joined the community of Leathercraftmasterclass! Would anyone know of a good tannery in England?! LikeReactions03 comments3Views
it’s gorgeous! very nicely designed and executed!
Fantastic work Ted, I love it! The design, shape, look, everything. Great stuff.
Did you stitch in a patch of leather to the inside to protect your iPad from the hardware? I assume it is unlined.
Lovely work Ted. I really like the colour, I've always been partial to a beigey greyish brown.