iust finished my first big handstitching project. Although I did cheat and use a machine to stitch the big perimeter/zipper seam, but I did everything else by hand. It was time consuming, but good practice. I've been wanted to incorporate the lancet rolled handles into a build for a while, and they worked great for this project. Happy with the finished result of this case.
Question for the hive mind:
I used English Bridle leather from Wicket and craig on this one, but I'm looking at changing it up on the next one I make and using a more traditional english bridle leather. Was looking at perhaps J&E Sedgwick, but somene pointed out to me that the dye isnt sruck through which would be an issue since gun cases can be abused ind I don't want light under tones to come through when scratched... I don't have a lot of familiarity with English Bridle leather ( I don't really think the W&C offering is a true English Bridle since there is no bloom, and i dont feel much of a waxy finish). I would like peoples opinion on the tanneries, and products the group might recommend.
That is so plush, I want one that is larger so I can use it as a sleeping bag. :D Really though that is beautiful!