Criticism is very welcome! Always looking to improve. Sorry for the poor quality on the photos. I currently take everything with my Samsung phone and am hoping to get a DSLR soon.
This tally cover was done for a Texas oil worker who wanted something better than the cheap plastic covers that come with the books. Like everything I make, it is extremely overbuilt, and definitely not your typical project that you would see alligator on.
9oz Sepici veg-tan with hand tooled initials on exterior
4oz veg-tan gator lined interior ( American Tanning Millennium finish )
.6 Ritza thread

Beautiful work!
And for a picture taken by your phone, this is actually great!
wow, that red leather :O
Nice work!
Hey Kyle! Thank you for contributing to the forum!
That's some great work there and I'm sure your client was very happy!
What made you decide to place the Alligator on the inside rather than the outside? Was the tail not large enough for the exterior? Not a criticism by any means, just curious.
Beautiful colour, dark reds and burgundy are my all time favourites for leather!