Hello. This is my first first try at a wach strap. This is what i got done tonight. More pictures to come.
Selene0001Feb 16Beginner with trouble using Weaver leather pricking chiselsLikeReactions13 comments3Views
HenryJan 14Hey, I have a question about dyeing natural leather. What should be applied in turn and should the flesh be dyed as well?LikeReactions11 comment1Views
It looks nice on the watch.
I have made a tone of mistakes but i learned a lot. Its ugly as heel but its my first 😁. I have to buy more tools and materials.
@causevicanel Great job! very impressive as it's your first strap. Are you working on the buckle side now?
Looks great! What did you use for lining? You are motivating me to try my first watch strap.