Hello all,
Here is another quick Sunday project. I came up with this idea because I know that bacteria is edge paints worst enemy and even though I only dip into smaller bottles than are poured from the bigger ones I want to keep the small ones as clean as possible.
I quite like to use an awl to apply edge paint as it gives a lot of control but those are usually made of steel, then it struck me that leathercrafts favourite metal besides sharp steel is actually anti bacterial! Hence I took a brass rod, shaped it in a drill with some sandpaper and stuck a handle on it. So now just for edge painting I have this brass awl 😁
I honestly don't know how much of a difference this will actually make but it was fun to made nonetheless and it's fun to use.
If anybody wants a piece of brass rod to make one let me know, I have 2mm and 3mm and i'd be happy to send a small piece for free since it's a pain to buy this in very small quantities when the shops are closed.

Next level: Sterling Silver 🙂
@Ivo Verhaar Very ingenious! I like your thinking.
I do something similar when I 'bottle dip' by running a lighter along a large round awl. A bit like preparing a needle to remove a splinter ;)
Looks good mate. It's great to be able to make some of your own tools, the only problem is you end up making more 'improved' versions of the same tool as your skills and knowledge increases.