Great project. Lots of fun mingled with moments of frustration. Turning the bag right side out was super satisfying!
I don't know if I want to ever work again with Sedgwick English Bridle leather. What a pain!
Cutting, skiving and creasing are just a bugger. I hope it wears like iron though. I'm looking forward to working with shrunken calf again. It seems like a great option for stuff you want to wear well and look great.
That looks so good! From start to finish, how many hours do you think you'd put into making it?
Fantastic work David, you've created an incredible bag! Such detail. I hope it brings you pleasure on your travels for many years to come.
Beautiful bag Dunn, I am thinking to make it with some greyish shrunken calf as well. Perhaps you can share more with us more details, such as :
- Who is the maker of exterior shrunken calf?
- What is you used for interior lining?
- The inconvenience you had with Sedgwick English Bridle or other difficulties you experienced when making it?
Maybe @Phillips can shed some light on the matter and how to avoid it. I am also wondering if shrunken calf is the right leather for this kind of bag which requires an ability to resist frictions during traveling.
Hope I can learn a thing or two from you before making mine.
Next time, try to make your images smaller and to embed them to that we can see them directly in your feed (as opposed to having to click on each individual picture and have it open in a separate tab or window).
And great job on the bag! Love the choice of interior lining.