Hi all!
Wanted to share the card holder I made following the course. It was the first time ever I used crocodile skin and also the first time I used my European style pricking Irons on chrome tanned leathers.
I have to say that hand stitching and keeping the angles on the thread is much more difficult than doing so with veg tan leather.
Also, the leathers I used were a little thicker than suggested in the course. Still, I'm using this one myself! Can't resist the crocodile leather :)
Fantastic job Glenn!
In the picture, i spent 5mins trying to guess what the heck was that card sticking from the bottom of your wallet??!! 5mins later, i realised it was the background seen between the wallet and your finger... i'm an idiot :D
I definetly get what you mean when you say it is hard to keep the angles. I used 2.7mm yesterday for the first time with both poly 0.45 and linen 0.4. and both came out acceptable, but in no means great at all! I tried to play extreme guitar when stitching, it didn't help. Tried a few other stuff, still cannot find what i am missing. I shall perceveir/persevere/percever?. you get me!
Also, i am making the alligator wallet next week along with a new design i made specifically for alligator and chevre. I hope it turns out half as cool as it is in my head :D