Finished up this 6 card bifold. Dark navy exterior and pockets with beige pig skin lining. I am not entirely sure what the exterior is as it is from scrap bin of local shoemaker. Edge paint is Uniters Aqua, with Fil Au Chinois 532 Turquoise thread, 3.85 pricking iron. I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts !

@benlobbleather Neat work Ben! I love that colour combination. What pricking iron were you using?
Looks good, I like the contrasting thread and edges.
First I can see you've got those corner stitches down pretty good. With such high contrast edge color any little smudge will show . . . that is good so you can see where improvements can be made the next time. I find working with natural veg tan when making sheaths really highlights where my processes can be improved. Mostly that is cleanliness and finger nail trimming!