Hello, I am making a box and it seems I need to have the edge of the base and and the edge of the lid to be put face to face against each other. Is it possible that if I put edge paint on both of these edges will they have a tendency to stick to each other? Or even rip the edge paint from one of the edges? Should I consider covering one of the edges with some non-sticky material like suede? I am asking because on the other box I have a painted edge put against the flesh side of the leather and indeed the edge paint 'adhered' to the flesh side and ripped a few fibers leaving a visible markings. I am worried that edge paint on both edges might result in a simmilar effect. The image below shows how the box and the lid will lay on each other when the box is closed.

I would probably rub some beeswax along the edges and polish it briskly with a cloth.
Edge to edge under compression is probably not something I'd recommend in general though.