Hi Guys & Gals! i want to try a learn something totally new in my leatherwork, and I want to make leather handles like these from atelier_subdivise

The big problem for me, would be the forming of the handle core. I have seen that the skilled Japanese and Chinese craftsmen used different coloured leather, to better shape the leather uniformly.
In my research I found, that Hermes artisans, used a wood jig, to form the core. Im guessing that they shape it with skiving knives ect, wet it, and press it in the jig to get the shape better.

I wonder that kind of tools they used here. A million passes with a skiving knife?

I know Philip made a little pretty handle, for that mini LV Briefcase he did about 3 years ago.
Maybe he chimes in on his process :D

Anyways, I wanted to know, that tools you would use for this?
I can comment on my own handles as I don't know exactly what others do. Skiving knives play more of a role to get the general shape, then French edgers, bevelers and sanding finish the shape.