I got the bottle applicator bottles and they have been an absolute game changer. The only issue is now how insanely long it takes to get a good edge down. 10-20 min for the first layer, 2h for the second, 2h for the third.
Obviously I use my waiting time doing other projects, but on a 4-sided wallet, we're talking like 2 full days just to lay down edge paint. It seems ridiculous, am I missing something?
There really isn't anything you're missing. Accelerating the drying time with heat or airflow can cause rippling on the surface as it can form a skin that shrinks rapidly.
From testing that I have done in the past, room temperature with several hours in between has given the most even results and means you don't have to apply as many layers.
Let us know how you get on and I'd be interested to see if you come up with the same or different results.