Here are a couple of cool videos from the French company Camille Fournet. They show their steps for making a bag and an alligator watch strap.
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I only watched the bag video for now, and did no finish all of it. This video makes watching the Corter youtube video enjoyable... I mean, I have never met a leather related video I was not able to watch to the end, untill now... It was soooo tedious. I mean, 5mins of someone clicking leather on a machine, or 3mins of someone applying glue to a strap...
I honestly believe that marketing wise, they completly missed the mark. This is a video that clients will never watch in full, they might skim through it, but I do not believe someone who is not as pasionnate about leather manufacturing as we are could watch all of it.
Also, they Saddle Stitch all of their straps... using a machine! That was just wrong.
On a side note, I quite enjoyed seeing the hand movements of the craftswoman (when she was allowed to work, and not just operate a machine). Specially when she was folding the edges to glue them, so smooth, so efficient!
Also, I was wondering what is the advantage of using a brass roller for the first coat of edge paint and then an awl on the second one? Apart from volume applied I guess?
I will watch the watch strap video, and leave my thoughts here. Here it is to hoping it is a bit more bearable to watch.