Does anyone have any experience with using AlphaFlex with standard acrylic paint for edge painting? I have a nice selection of acrylic paints from painting wood carvings and thought maybe this additive would be low cost solution to have multiple edge paint colors.
I have experimented with using acrylic paints and flexible adhesives. PVA glue and solvent free contact adhesive being two additives that worked well. In all cases I found the edge paint to go lighter coloured when scratched, unlike commercial edge paints. It seems the powder pigment in acrylic paints is a bit too chalky, I'm guessing from the mattifiers added to prevent it from being shiny on paper, and perhaps fillers to prevent shrinkage.
If a gloss acrylic paint exists, this may solve the issue.
In my tests I used acrylic artist paint, *your adhesive here*, and distilled water to obtain the viscosity I wanted.