Hello all! Have some of you tried skiving chrome tanned leather with a woodworking block plane like this ?
(Lie Nielsen No. 101 Violin Maker's Plane)

I know some cheap leather planes exist but they are nowhere near the quality of a proper woodworking block plane.
Some people successfully tried, but they had to heavily sharpen the blade because of its angle i guess (block planes exist in low and standard angle depending on the task) :
here :
here also :
https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/56645-block-plane/ And a very interesting DIY project here : https://jeffpeachey.com/2011/09/05/razor-blade-planes-a-new-plane-designed-for-leather/ What do you guys think?
some bookbinders use a modified stanley 151 spoke shave for thinning leather. i have one, just got to finish off the blade to about 13 degrees. waiting for some things coming from veritas so i can make sure they are at the right angle. they have been on order for 6 months now.