Ok, I'm going to go ahead and predict that these are going to take the leathercraft community by storm!
I've never been a fan of KS Blade Punch Irons for marketing reasons above all else, but who ever this new kid on the block is, they have really listened to the community and made their move.
In December I replied to a post about copying regarding Sinabrooks 'homage' to KS Blade Punch's stitching irons and the public feud that ensued:
'KS has gone the wrong route in dealing with this and my prediction is that as soon as another company comes along with a cool looking iron or one of the 30K+ Instaleather influencers promotes the latest iron, they will both die.'
Harsh? Definitely. Wrong? Remains to be seen..
We'll have to see if these Irons turn out to be any good, but by any standards, these initial specs seem promising:
Reversible prongs, from obverse to inverse
Japanese 440c stainless steel body
Removable prongs
Prongs made from Swedish powder steel
Looks good(ish)
Available with polished 'olive' shaped prongs as well as round (brogue punches too)
$132 for the set (2 + 8)
Reversible prongs are a world first and that's going to make a huge difference to stitching in gussets without an awl as well as box stitching, handles and thick leather projects.
Jesus, I should be promoting these! I hope they are ready to sell out fast lol🤣
The only drawback I see is the name, I don't think my mouth is capable of making those kind of sounds 🤔
What do you think? KS killer or not?
Oh wow! These irons look different... I was thinking today that I should replace my noname $10 diamond pricking irons with something better😁 Thanks Philip for sharing 👍