What are your thoughts on these cheap skiving machines such as https://www.ebay.com/itm/Edge-Skiving-Machine-Leather-Splitter-Paring-Leather-Skiver-Blade-Manual-Craft/132745157602?hash=item1ee83a5be2:g:v6EAAOSwLYRbRXE~:rk:21:pf:0
or a little more expensive but still cheap https://www.ebay.com/itm/DIY-Leather-Peeling-Machine-Skiver-Peeler-Splitter-Shovel-Skin-Skiving-Paring-US/252726677419?hash=item3ad7af0fab:g:D4QAAOSwRNtb3Vd2:rk:7:pf:0
versus a good skiving knife? I don't plan on doing high volume work. Just a hobbyist.
I can see some mixed opinions here. I am starting to get into belts and bags. It requires me to split 3mm to 1.0mm or 1.5mm to build the gussets, get the leather for molded handles, raised belts, etc. It seems super hard to get a consistent skive along 30cm x 3cm leather rectangle to achieve a flat skived panel. Is it worth to put in the hours or getting this 200$ splitting machine is the thing I am going to end up either way?