Hi guys!
Recently, a fellow craftsman sent me as a gift a silicon table mat along with the indication to use it as a gluing board.
Its particularity is that the solvent based contact adhesive doesn't stick to this surface quite well, making it an ideal choice for a clean and grippy surface to glue leather pieces on everytime.
What do you guys think?
Are there any other surfaces you like using as gluing boards?
I have 3, and I hate them :D
Do not get me wrong, when it comes to cleaning Solvent based contact from them, they are great. but when you leave it on your workbench for a few days and it picks up dust and leather dust (from sanding in the workshop), then all the gods of cleaning will barely help in making it acceptable again.
And when you use water based glue, that stuff is not coming off easy :D
My prefered surface is either a granite slab, i can then just use a spade to clean it and voilaaa.
Another thing I do a lot, is just use Sandwich Paper and glue on top, and then to the garbage it goes. This solution is specially effective when your leather is sensitive and scratches easily. This will ensure that no scuffs or marks are found on your leather.