Hello dear Leatherworking community!
I recently picked up a plough gauge from under a pile of tools at a secondhand shop here in the Netherlands. It seems to be in pretty good condition and has a interesting spring loaded tensioner bar to keep the leather pressed down when you're using it. The only trouble is, I have no idea who made it! It just has a horse logo on the blade and on the body there is an additional D.R.G.M and number stamp. I found out that this indicates a German patent numbering system but I have had no luck in finding a match.
Any more knowledgeable people out there who know the maker?

@Ivo Verhaar Thanks for sharing that, looks like a very nice example. As for the maker, I have never seen that before I'm afraid.
A quick google search brings up this from tooltique.co.uk:
Vintage Multi tool set in leather wallet marked DRGM which is usual for H. Boker of Germany. Otherwise known as Solingen they were renowned makers of these types of tools although these sets by Boker in their original pouches are pretty scarce.