So a older man, sold me this last week. Its about 25 years old.
Got it for 160€/182$/141£. It was a okay deal. Maybe a bit much, but my love for old tools took over, and seeing a new one costs 3 times that, I bought it :D
Its gonna need a loving hand for sure, and if your into restoration, follow this thread to see the final results :D
Also, seen a lot of people on Reddit, claiming Blanchard have dropped in quality. I don't think this is the case. This knife is 100% the same as my new one. Don't think they have changed they way they make tools for at least 25 years.

Got some work done today. Im always amazed on how brass handles time. So easy to get looking new again! 2-3 hours more, then it will look better then when is was made :D