@Leathercraft Masterclass The course supplies suggest the Vergex Blanchard Angular Skiving/Paring Knife, which has been out of stock for many months everywhere I've looked. Do you have any suggestions for equivalent or better alternatives?
Thank you!
is this the skiving knife y'all are talking about?
I've got a few paring knives, my favorite is also the HSS Angled by Blanchard.
My second favorite is this one:
It is made in France, it is very ergonomic, rounded everywhere so it feels really good when handling it. Requires to be stropped a bit more regularly than the Blanchard, but it really is a great little knife.
The only downside is that you can only find it on CuirTextileCrea wich a lot of people had issues with...
@Leathercraft Masterclass - what's the difference between a skiving knife and paring knife, anyway? I seem to see these terms used interchangably, but can't imagine they are the same thing...
So it looks like the Blanchard knives are available at some stores in Europe, but the shipping and such make it pretty expensive to get them to the USA. I can find Chartermade original skiving knives for around $200USD at Rocky Mountain Leather. @Leathercraft Masterclass - would you suggest a Chartermade original as a viable option? I've read that the blades have a very high Rockwell harndess that makes them difficult for beginners to maintain over time vs a Blanchard. Thoughts?
i have doldokki paring knives, which are very sharp and very good. the ones without handles are much more reasonable, 50mm one about £40. i also have both crimson hide ones which are also nice, not as sharp as the doldokki, but half the price.
@gpstl Hey there. Personally I believe they are the the best skiving knives on the market right now from what I have used. I don't know how long it will be before production picks up again.
If anyone else on the forum has any recommendations...