Hi Everyone,
I have recently moved my workshop into its first dedicated workspace where I will hopefully grow and build my business. After assembling my furniture I am now trying to place my equipment and tools where it would be most effective for work flow. In the pictures below you can see the development of the space and my current set up. On the work benchs on the left side of the room I have placed my heat stamping machine and burnishing setup. The center table under the ceiling lamps is going to be my cutting table. The work benchs on the right have my edge painting and creasing setup as well as an assembly and hole marking or making space.
Currently, some issues that I am mulling over are:
1. I have a large wall and was thinking of making 1 or 2 tools boards, either with framed cork board or with a leather covered tool board. Im unsure where to place them exactly and how it frames the wall. Addtionally for work flow it could be placed close to the right hand bench or the center bench.
2. Are my stations complementary to one another. In the past I have never had this much space and therefore I did all steps all in the same place. Now I have a great problem of more space.
3. Is there anything that I am not taking into account or have forgotten for the setup.
My leather storage will be in a small closet nearby and therefore I have not dedicated any space for it in the main space. I am planning on getting a cutting mat made to fit the the cutting table.

Prior to Painting

After Painting

Work bench assembly and storage

Assembly Completion

Current Setup.
I would love to hear everyone's thoughts and advice.
I know what you mean. in Danish, what your missing is called "hygge". Dont think is has a translation to English. But its like, something that makes you fell, like you don´t wanna be anywhere else. This is a picture of my messy table today. Its small, but I love it. Lots of small things to make it "hygge", and feel "me". Im sure, a year from now, your space will be "broken in", and feel perfect!