Ok i need some help because i am not sure if i am making a mistake or is it just because of the diferent materials of the thread.
I have been experimenting last night with diferent threads. The leather that i have used is baby calf, needles are John James 3, pricking irons are Crimson tools 5spi and 10spi.
The thing that is most fascinating to me is that all of the threds are declared 0,45 but they are very diferent in thicknes.

These 6 lines are all Wuta ROUND waxed thread (polyester). I noticed that if i dont aditionaly wax them the stiching result is a bit better. The second black thread was waxed aditionaly.

First from the top is Wuta polyester 0,45, second is Fung button linean thread, third and fourth are 832 Fil au chinois.

In my experiance i had the best results and fealing when stiching with Fung linen thread. I liked very much the Chinois 832 because it was the thines but it fellt wery fragile. I had a fealing like it will snap in my hand in every second.
My question is how can a thread afect so much the end result when you are using the same technic every time?
And a couple pictures from the back side.

Well i asumed that 0.45 meant a thicknes and that every is the same and the result will be the same. But today i started to work on a new wallet wallet and if the leather is to thin you cant get that nice effect of the sadle stich. The point of the post was that you have to be very carefull on what thread you pick for what project.
I asumed that it was all the same but now i see that i have to test every thread on every leather or is there a guiede for something like this 😁