Hi Guys,
I currently own a bell knife skiver and have always been getting inconsistent results as I am never able to get the adjustments right and even when I get them right its only after I waste a lot of leather to check if all adjustments are right.
Some problems I face with the bell knife skiver are:
1) It sometimes tears the corners when going down to a thin skive of say 0.4-0.5mm.
2) I get a lot more tearing in the middle of the component when I try to skive down chevre leather.
How do you guys set your skiving machines ?
Moreover, I have been checking some alternatives for the bell knife skiver. I found this; https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32863527067.html?storeId=3894028&spm=2114.12010612.8148356.5.7dab23c5ARcPul
Does anybody have any experience with this type of a desktop skiver ?
Hey! Have you checked Phil’s video (just launched today)? It is all about bell skiving machines! 😃