i have seen many hermes bags that the edging finish are rough instead of smooth as we saw in most good hand made leather work. the their edging printing seems very thin that you even can see the leather layer underneath. and it is also one of important factor in authenticating hermes bag. i wonder it is a special technic hermes is using to make it different from other brands, or just simply to do that in order to faster the making process.
who ever think about it?
@ronnieli There's an expression I like to use for this situation: 'perfection only an amateur has time for'. I think this is done for speed. Their reputation and brand clout makes up for slight imperfections in their customers eyes.
I don't think I've seen any near perfect hand finished edges from large brands as there is a law of diminishing returns on edge perfection. The closer you get to perfect, the longer it takes to get there.