Hello, I’m hoping someone has a suggestion on how to stop card slip lining from fraying. I used a poly/satin lining and as soon as I cut it it began to fray. It’s concealed inside the wallet but I’m concerned that if someone tries pulling the lining out of the card slots they will see if fraying and it will not look very professional.
Appreciate your assistance 🙂
One thing I found that work with a 90% rate, if putting an extremly light coat of Waterproof PVA on your cotton/poly lining.
When I say extremly light i mean EXTREMLY light. What I prersonally do is put a bit of pva on the lining, and using a spatula spread it like i would any other glue and keep spreading untill i feel there is no more glue. I then flip over and repeat the process (all the while, removing the extra glue that accumulates on the spatula).
The idea behind this is to bond the fibers of the warp and weft lightly to each other to stop them from fraying. The downside to this is:
- Too little glue and they wont bond and the fraying will still occur
- Too much glue and the pva will transform your cloth into something too rigid not resembling cloth at all.
It is a fine line to walk and one that takes a bit of time to get right.
@shannen I have since switched to 2oz ripstop which is bonded and fray resistant.
There is no real practical way to completely prevent fraying, but you'd need tweezers and determination to get it out!