Hello community,
I have been thinking about making a padded dog collar.

Equus : https://www.equusleather.co.uk/canine/dog-collars/padded-plain-collar.html
My partner is in the equestrian world. So my first idea was to go on bridle leather (Sedgwick, Bakers...).
At least for the leather on the front.
But I imagine some people have already realized this. So here are some questions:
What leather for the front? What thickness? ...
Foam interlining? What thickness? ...
What leather for the lining? What thickness? ...
Any advice (e-shop, accessories ...)?
Thanks for your help.
Nice evening.
Hi David, As Kilian Suggests I would also use a closed cel foam. You can try searching for MAF (Museum Art Foam) or Plastazote.
The thing I would also suggest is to use Waterproof PVA glue to glue the liner to the foam because once dry, the pva will form a waterproof layer that will stop sweat and moisture from reaching the foam.
I would suggest a foam that has closed pearls. This way its not possible that it soaks full of sweat, water etc... There is neoprene but alot of others that have closed pearls. I made a padded percussion belt for heavy drums and from this experience I would suggest to glue the padding already bent. And if you use thick lining leather you may decide that you dont need a foam for a padding.