I‘ve been searching on the internet for days now on hot foil machines. I can’t afford a Mettalic Elephant machine and have been looking at vintage Howard and Kinglsley and Chinese models. Does anyone have any experience with any of these machines? I understand that Howard is better than Kingsley, but that information is from very few sources. The Chinese made machines are certainly affordable but there are so many that I am at a loss. One other question, should I invest in the best stamps that I can afford? I am assuming that well made stamps will make a difference if used with a lesser or vintage machine. Any guidance on this will be greatly appreciated.
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If I had to recommend one, I’d go with the machine I’m using. It’s mid-to-high range, but what makes it worth it is the temperature control and the quality materials. The thermostat is a lifesaver—I’ve left it running for 8 hours straight or even 10 hours during events, and it’s super stable. Plus, the design and materials, like the walnut wood, feel great to use, and the little details like easy-to-read markings just make everything smoother. https://ciofficial.com/collections/electric-leather-tools/products/maxita-hot-foil-stamping-embossing-machine-ec-27
Regarding the best stamps you can afford, definetly!
To keep it short, I have an Omac hot stamping machine that is even more expansive that the Metallic Elephant (almost by two), and when I use lower quality stamps (I had 2 made out of magnesium) to try , the results are plain horrible. As soon as I pop the good stamps in, results are perfect.
I used a wide L-shape ruler .In my case, the distance between heating plate and the base is about 4cm, so the wide L-shape ruler was enough to help me to adjust the right level. Would be nice to have another person to help you hold and adjust the upper part of the machine , but I did it myself with just a little patience.
HI! I had the same situation. I just bought this Chinese-made machine from Amazon.it , which makes me very happy. I don't know where you locate, so I send you the link of mine for reference: https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B07WFCTT2M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 . 4 days after I ordered, the machine arrive from Germany to Italy nicely. I paid 159.99euro for it. After some testing , I am quite happy with it. Very small ,the pieces are shining and well made. If you bought this model, remember to prepare Ingot Screw by yourself to fix the copper seal onto the machine. Hope it hopes. Buona Pasqua