I am about to use polypropylene pipes in my project to give it the tubular structure. Any ideas how to glue leather to the surface of the pipe around its circumference? No super-gluing force is required, but at least I'd like it to stick properly.
I tried:
PVA, regular rubber cement. None of them seem to catch to the polypropylene.
Most of the utility glues made by Pattex exclude polypropylene from usage. The only one recommended is based on cyanoacrylate (aka superglue) but it's very aggressive and I can't imagine using it over the surface of 150mm x 220mm.
Renia Colle de Cologne's datasheet claims that it's a contact cement that glues everything, including PP and PE. Have you tried it maybe? All in all, should I try to find a proper contact adhesive or try to go for cyanoacrylate?
@Leathercraft Masterclass @Edward Thank you so much for your responses. Animal glue seems to be an exotic thing for my local distributors, but I'll try to find it anyway. They did however confirm the chance of Renia Multi Purpouse Cement handling this case. I am going to spend some time experimenting with your options guys, but the cheapest and the easiest to obtain is the Renia products so that's where I am starting. I will share my results afterwards. Thank you!