Hello everyone!
I just purchased this quite expensive card holder (secrid) and I noticed the edges are bothering me.
I can't find much information from the supplier about what kind of leather it is, but I suspect that it is chrome tanned.
Is there a way to burnish said leather? I'm a little sacred to act and do damage...

This is the result I've come back with. I think I can get it to where I want it to be using this method :) I used some Tokonole to give it a light burnish (flattening it all down). Then used the Fiebings Edge Kote.
I apologise for the pictures I've been uploading, they are terrible! My phone is clearly outdated haha.
Thanking everybody for commenting :)
Would you like to show us the result after the improvement? :)
I think that would be a really good way to improve your edge paint technique!
As a side question, and to satisfy my curiosity: why would you buy it?
Thanks guys! I have seen the video before, I might have a go at the edge paint...
If I'm unhappy though, I'll go for remaking it. :)
Seeing as I have some Cardovan Shell on the way!
@Max Sandrone I'd say that would be chrome tanned, so as @smithdal mentioned, part two of Techniques Of The Edge will guide you on how to finish the edges with paint.
Alternatively, have you thought about copying the design to try making it yourself? Would be a cool project as you have the measurements.
Meant to add: If that doesn't cover what you need, Part 2 of the video should do the trick.
If it is vegetable-tanned leather, you may get it done. Learn how in Phil's video Techniques of the Edge: Part 1 on this site.