i tried to skiv sheep hide of 1.3mm thickness to 0.5mm by using my bell skiving machine. but it did not work no matter how i tuned machine. the hide went through feedroller, the thickness was still same, machine can only skiv slightly. same setup of machine, i can easily skiv goat hide for 0.5mm thickness.
it is because sheep skin is too soft and stretchy. anyone has same issue? how could i solve this problem.
it was not easy but it works for sheep skin. what i did, first rewatched bell shape machine course again. i found out the problem was from bigger gap between rotating blade and pressing foot. I bring it a bit closer to pressing foot, problem solved. but i need to say I did 3 times skiving to carefully and gradually skiv down the thickness (1.3mm to 1.0mm, 1.0 to 0.6mm, 0.6-0.3). to deal with compressed loosing grain, i ironed suede side afterward in order to make it flat,
Hi Fadi I am using rubber roller. tension is enough i guess. the problem might come from your 3rd solution. Lowering presser feet let me try tomorrow. Thanks for the answer.
Did you try to give more tension to the feed roller (Done by the lever on the bottom left, if you are looking at the skiver from the left side)?
What kind of feed roller are you using? Rubber?
A kind of hack: Did you try lowering down your presser foot and see if it skives more and to what thickness? What I mean is that Lambskin is very compressible. So, logically, if you set your pressure foot to 0.2mm, when the skin passes through it will compress and skive down to 0.2mm, but when uncompressed it will go back to 0.5mm . This is just an idea, but worth a try :D