Crazy or maybe not considering our current circumstances...
I don't know why I thought of this today (again maybe current circumstances) but wondering if there are any types of leather or finish that are more antibacterial than others?
I would have to imagine chrome tanned might be preferable to veg tan which will absord all kinds of moisture/odour/pigment etc. - of course this is also one of its charms.
I did start Googling very briefly and there do seem to be some antibacterial sprays and finishes that can be applied after production - perhaps an interesting extra or added feature - I hate to be a profiteer but I can imagine it being quite easy to tack on an extra ten quid for "antibacterial protection" or to coat your leather goods in "antivirus spraay".
Thanks Phil!
While we will almost certainly come through the other side of this crisis I am skeptical life will ever go back to "normal" or at least not for a very long time. People are going to be more cautious with their behaviour and purchases.
I would liken this very much to certain new trends we have seen recently - eat local, buy green, organic etc.
Again I am no huckster and if I had a significant interest in making loads of money I probably wouldn't be much interested in handstitched leathercraft, but I think there is a massive opportunity coming for those that can market their products as safe/antiviral etc.