Hi, I have seen several times online examples of wallets where lined leather isn't stitched, but simply glued on the open side of a pocket. An example can be seen here: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/j0w0wd You can see the pink lining is simply glued on that exposed edge to the main leather.
I think in this example edge paint may have been used. But I have seen examples without edge paint. Without the edge paint wouldn't the layers risk splitting apart?
Could simple glue and burnishing hold 2 layers of leather together reliably?
What Phil Said.
I will only add that, to sum everything up, you just need to think about the use the pieces of leather glued will be subjected to.
Quick example: the card holder you shared. If the craftsman used a water based glue, there is a chance that if the owner puts the card holder in his pocket and lives in very hot place, the leather will get damp (My cardholder in my pocket right now is damp for example) and the glue might give up and stop "gluing".
Hi Yiggort.
Mostly I recommend stitching two pieces like that together. However there are exceptions where this may not be nessesary. Thin skins glued flesh side to flesh side as in the image above, are unlikely to come apart with use as there is little flex going on (such as in a bi-fold wallet).
Another thing to note, there isn't anything actively trying to pull both sides away from each other to sepperate them.
If you watch the video course 'The Card Slot Card Holder', you will note I didn't stitch the exterior and the lining of the rear cash pocket together for the above reasons. That card holder is still used daily by the owner with no signs of sepperation, over 4 years later.
If you do this, I recommend a good quality PVA glue, and leave both parts under a flat weight for several hours. The bond should then be stronger than the leather itself.
I would love to know what leather (manufacturer) you used. Love the pink! And how did you make the ckecked pattern? (It is 'very' accurate - I am impressed.)