Hi, quite often I saw the two following books. They were written in German but for one there is an English version and the other is in German and English. I havent read them but heard that they are good, so I just want to share the links/titles.... Maybe someone has one of those and can share his/her opinion!:-) It seems that they are less expensive on the german Amazon.de
I heard that there might be new 2019 editions of these books. (at least I know that the german 'Faszination Leder' has a 2019 edition)
Die Reptilhaut/Reptile Skin: A Key-Feature in the Identification of Lizards and Snakes
(408 pages)
Reptile names to terminology used by tanners and leather dealers. Provides chapters on material and research methods, the histology and microdscopic anatomy of reptile skins, skin pigments, identification tables and species accounts. Each species account provides common names, trade names, range, size, scale details, accompanied by detailed illustrations, skinning method, comments and sensory foreola . Includes a chapter on the description of the species and subspecies important to the leather industry. 64 color and 200 b/w photographs, line illustrations and tables. https://www.amazon.de/Reptilhaut-reptile-skin-Merkmalstr%C3%A4ger-Identifizierung/dp/3930612364/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1574757628&refinements=p_27%3ADietrich+Jelden&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Dietrich+Jelden
Fascination Leather, Common and Exotic Skins Under the Magnifying Glass
(264 pages)
A wealth of information on the history, identification, types of leather, processing, and much more. Covers mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes relevant to the leather industry. 202 full-color photographs. (google translation of German official book info:)
A breviary for leather lovers, for manufacturers and dealers of leather goods, leather clothing and shoes, for all those who appreciate the natural product and want to know more about it. The reader is introduced to the secrets of leather production and processing in an expert, generally comprehensible and entertaining way, peppered with poems by Eugen Roth. From the highest quality exotic leather (crocodile, lizard, snake, toad, shark, stingray, ostrich, peccary, pangolin) to sheep and goat skins, cow and pig skins. Scarred pictures of the most important animal species simplify the determination, numerous examples illustrate which high-quality products leather is processed into (women's handbags, boots, watch straps and much more).
Hi @kilian, do these come with English subtitles? 😆😆
I might get those just for the pictures!