So I just got some MTB thread from districtleathersupply. Its super nice!. I was surprised!. BUT, im use to sewing with linen, or the flat Tiger thread. This really digs in to the finger :O Yeah I know Im a cry baby, but had to put on some painters tape on the finger to avoid bleeding on the thread.
So any ideas fixing this? a pinkie ring? Using a glove?

@Daniel W. Generally I have my palms facing away from me as I tighten the stitch, so the thread actually presses against my thumb pad and takes some of the strain.
Try than and see if you like it.
Hey my friend,
I almost use MBT exclusively, most of my work is done with it. Never had that issue, but i am used to pulling the thread with the middle part of the finger between the joint. Also, how tight are you pulling? I imagine you are pulling extremly tight ?
On a side note, how do you like the MBT Thread?