I was sent this Vanity Fair article by one of our forum members Stephen. It's a great read about the Hermes workshop, the training artisans have to complete and the iconic bags they make.
What do you think about the introduction of mycelium 'leather' into their products? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

Let's face it: what fellow artisans admire at Hermès and Luis Vuitton is not what these companies are nowadays, but what they used to be, their history, their artisan's skills, their past tradition in fine leather goods manufacture.
Today these giants are aligned with new-age propaganda, political correctness, multiculturalism, gender theory and other 21st century stupid ideologies. Nothing more to do with true craftsmanship.
Using mushroom derived materials as a leather subtitute is also a form of political correctness towards the radical environmentalism movement because we all know that leather is fully sustainable. This is just hype....
I saw this article separately recently. Very interesting. I think these alternative leathera are an interesting development. IMHO, They are a marketing tool to reach people that might want to support an alternative to animal leather. I'm not sure how concerned the typical Hermes customer is about animal treatment, but maybe their demographic is changing.