It’s no wonder so many new leather workers feel frustrated when looking at their hard work only to be disappointed by what they see.
This ends up preventing crafters just like you from progressing, learning new techniques, and having fun making beautifully finished fine leatherwork that impresses yourself and everyone around you.
So, to put a stop to this I created a 9 step system called leathercraft ‘pre-basics’ which was designed just for you, to guide you through the process of mastering the basic, yet essential skills of leathercraft such as neat saddle stitching, precision cutting and smooth edge finishing.
Now you can enjoy the progress felt by thousands of fellow students around the world.
This means you can relax, follow along with me and enjoy discovering new skills that will serve you for years to come.
After you watch these videos, you’re going to understand:
What leather is, the types available to leather crafters, and what I recommend you start with right away.
How to correctly cut leather. This will make accurate cuts that leave you with precision edges, which means your edge finishing will be easier and more professional than ever before.
The simplest method for beautiful, shiny, glass-like edges without any special ingredients (in fact, you have the only ingredient needed already, guaranteed!)
How to perform the painfully simple ‘single needle’ stitch for an effective yet unique uniform look that you can do right now.
How to break down the famous saddle stitch into much simpler parts, so you can focus on doing one thing at a time, at a much more manageable pace.
How to get angles on both sides of your stitch every time. No more - - - - boring straight stitches!
How a saddler's awl works, what it’s for, why you may want to consider one in the future, but also why you probably don’t need one yet. Get ready for a demonstration.
A system of practice. What to do in order to perfect your new found skills that will last a lifetime. Find out what I did as I share the method I used to get to where I am today.
Recommended tools for the beginner. A run down of the essentials that you need. And what you don’t need, so you can avoid wasting time and money.

These courses contain results from years of hard work, testing, improving and discovering better ways of crafting leather goods.
But just like you right now, I wasn’t always able to do this!
I’ve learned directly from a leather case maker, studied volumes of vintage leathercraft manuals and books as well as starting my own leathercraft brand ‘Finch England’.
This successfully allowed me to earn a living from my craft for several years before I found my calling - teaching, and doing my bit to keep this beautiful craft alive for future generations.
This included making leather goods from scratch as well as buying, restoring and selling vintage luggage (a powerful learning experience alone!).
From these activities, I was able to generate volumes of notes over the years. Notes on what I've been taught, discovered and learned the hard way.
The Leathercraft Masterclass is an accumulation of this knowledge, boiled down to the best parts and the essential techniques, then presented in Full HD with clear and concise explanations.
Showing you what to do, and thoroughly explaining WHY you’re doing it (vitally important).

But enough about me!
See what students of the leathercraft masterclass are saying about their experiences with the courses and how these videos have changed their craft forever:

Andrea Lohberg
To be honest: I had no hesitations.
The return on investment on the Masterclass is so incredible!

Ramblin Leather Goods
I thought I knew more than I did & didn’t think I would learn a whole lot. However I was wrong. I realized there’s a lot I don’t know. You can only learn so much from watching YouTube videos. I’ve learned something helpful in every video I’ve watched. I made the Turenne Luxury Handbag and now I want to make more!

Noa Greenspan
I'm the creative director of PanAm Leathers.
I studied accessories design in Tel Aviv and in NYC, but I learned more practical tips from the first 20 min of your videos than all the years higher education combined, so thank you!
I’ve been bingeing your courses like they are a new Netflix sitcom! I love them!

Carswell Leather
I bought the [6 month Plan] and have been blown away by the quality and high standard of Philip's teaching, leathercraft and video making skills.
It’s the best money I ever spent!

Elense Leatherworks
Most tutorials or videos on the Internet are leaning more towards rustic/semi-elegant stuff. It's virtually impossible to find someone from the industry that's been successful and is sharing his master knowledge.
Now, the price of a 9 video course would normally be £127.00, but my mission is to introduce as many new people like you into this wonderful craft that has given me, and thousands of my students in over 85 countries incredible pride and satisfaction!
I want to serve the leatherworking community and help people to achieve their leathercraft goals whilst having fun in the process.
So as of right now, I have removed £100.00 off the price and I am offering you this indispensable resource for only £27
But, not only are you going to get a 9 video course guiding you to mastering the most essential skills in leathercraft, for a short time I am offering you TWO bonus guides that I would have loved (killed for!) when I was just starting out.
I can honestly say that with these two guides, you will have an absolutely unfair advantage over me when I started, and anyone else starting blindly for that matter!

Bonus #1:
‘The Tool Buyers Guide’
A 20 page guide written with your future in mind. There are tools listed for the beginner, intermediate and advanced crafter.
Discover what you need today, as well as what you may need in the future as you advance in leatherwork and your skills improve. This guide grows with you, it’s been purposely designed for you that way.
What tool brands I recommend. These companies have proven their worth time and time again. Specifically I avoid overpriced, overhyped tools designed to trap beginners or those who are inexperienced.
Live links to contact suppliers, which means you’ll conveniently be able to find vendors in your country.
I breakdown each tool for you with information about its use and benefits, together with images of its use in a real life situation.
Bonus #2:
‘The Leather Selection Guide’
Some leathers and skins can appear great quality at first, however if you don’t know the tell-tale signs of a quality skin, disaster awaits. So does wasted time, money and energy. About the only thing you’ll gain is frustration.
But I guarantee after watching this video, you’ll be able to pick up a piece of leather, move it around in your fingers for a few seconds, and know immediately whether or not you’re holding some high quality hide, or a cut of cr*p. I’m not joking!
This 32 minute video will give you the best tips for finding the finest leathers for yourself and your craft.
This isn’t a ‘trust me, go buy this leather..’ type of course, that doesn’t give you the knowledge to know what good leather is. It’s essential that you get this knowledge now, because moving forward there are so many varieties out there to choose from.
Good quality leather means:
Much easier to cut accurately.
Smoother skiving with less accidents due to over-stretch or inconsistencies.
Better looking stitches with higher angles and less ‘puckering’.
Smoother curves with less creasing when bending/folding.
Less likely to crack or stretch out of proportions then you make your project.
Easier edge finishing (ahh, this one alone!).
Your friends, family or customers won’t have to lie and tell you they still like your gift 6 months down the line after it breaks apart (it will with poor quality leather).
I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
I breakdown how you test samples from manufacturers so that you can gauge quality for yourself
before ever spending a dime of your hard earned money!
These tests will allow you to use leather that you know is the best for you, rather than looking to see what other people are using (who probably followed someone else..).
This one-video course was created due to the absolute garbage being sold to individual artisans by suppliers who just don’t care.
When you aren’t a big brand, or a regular purchaser of bulk orders, most suppliers don’t have your best interests in mind, and I’ve seen too many newcomers get taken advantage of.
I hate to be blunt with you, but you need to know this, suppliers can often tell your level of experience by the words you use, the questions you ask or even by what you’re ordering! (yes, even with online orders).
Revealed: leathers to avoid and importantly why you should avoid them.
Spot tannery tricks in samples before committing to an order with them.
Follow the tests for quality I show you in the video and instantly get answers.

Now, I don’t want you to worry whether or not the 9 video course and 2 bonus guides are going to help you improve your leathercraft, so I’m backing all of this with a no questions asked money back guarantee.
If you’re not completely happy with the content I’m giving you, if you don’t feel that I’ve given you value that you can use in your craft, simply email me within 30 days of purchase philip@leathercraftmasterclass.com and ask for a refund, and I will return your payment in full asap!
Not only that but you will still get to keep the whole course after a refund, plus the 2 guides that come with it absolutely FREE - I am NOT joking with you.
So get started today, take advantage and don’t miss out on this special pricing offer. Click the blue button below that says ‘I Want To Get Started’ now.
I’ll see you in the workshop!
P.S. Remember you’re going to get:
The Leathercraft Beginner Class 9 video course to take you from beginner to expert in the shortest time possible.
The Tool Buyers Guide. Get clarity on exactly what you need whatever your experience level.
The Leather Selection Guide. For those who want to know what high quality leather is and start out by using skins that won’t have you second guessing your leather craft skills (poor quality does that!).
And of course a 100% no questions asked money back GUARANTEE! In the unlikely event you don’t like what you’re going to get. Plus you can keep everything even after a full refund, absolutely FREE with my compliments.
See you shortly, Philip.